Got someone in your life who needs a little recruitment inspiration?
Do you have a new year's resolution to read for just a few minutes a day?
Are you one of the far too few people in the world that understands that you can gain a lifetime of wisdom by reading a few pages a day?
Check out these books if you want to drive your recruitment results to a whole new level.
Becoming a recruiter with the necessary wisdom to get results takes a commitment to seeking out knowledge from beyond your normal circles, and considering how it applies to your needs. It is equally important to TEACH and USE these learned principles and techniques. The wisdom gained immediately begins to transform you and your chapter.
We have become successful business owners, consultants and authors due mostly to the fact that we read the words of people smarter than us as often as possible.
Recommended Books to Spark Recruitment Results:
Matt Mattson & Josh Orendi
How to Win Friends and Influence People
Dale Carnegie
7 Habits of Highly Successful People
Stephen Covey
The Magic of Thinking Big
David Schwartz
Remember Every Name, Every Time
Benjamin Levy
The Fine Art of Small Talk
Debra Fine
The Art of Possibility
Zander & Zander
Good to Great
Jim Collins
The Four Agreements
Don Miguel Ruiz
The Sky is Not the Limit. You Are.
Bob Davies, M.S.
You Can Make It Happen
Stedman Graham
Secrets of Closing the Sale
Zig Ziglar
Dale Carnegie
7 Habits of Highly Successful People
Stephen Covey
The Magic of Thinking Big
David Schwartz
Remember Every Name, Every Time
Benjamin Levy
The Fine Art of Small Talk
Debra Fine
The Art of Possibility
Zander & Zander
Good to Great
Jim Collins
The Four Agreements
Don Miguel Ruiz
The Sky is Not the Limit. You Are.
Bob Davies, M.S.
You Can Make It Happen
Stedman Graham
Secrets of Closing the Sale
Zig Ziglar
The Tipping Point
Malcolm Gladwell
21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership
Maxwell & Ziglar
Think and Grow Rich
Napoleon Hill
Purple Cow
Seth Godin
Malcolm Gladwell
21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership
Maxwell & Ziglar
Think and Grow Rich
Napoleon Hill
Purple Cow
Seth Godin